
July 16, 2021
Launch of the SICAMEX project
Last Tuesday July 13, in the presence of various authorities of the criminal justice system for adolescents, the project SICAMEX: Information System for Adolescent Cases…
July 12, 2021
Honduras launches SIGAH
INAMI receives support from international cooperation and has strengthened the Special Justice System for Child Offenders, as it has implemented tools and methodologies based on…
January 19, 2021
Situation of adolescents in Social Reintegration Centers in the context of the health emergency due COVID-19 pandemic
Tutator participated in the presentation of the report "Situation of adolescents in Social Reintegration Centers in the context of the health emergency due COVID-19 pandemic",…
October 22, 2020
Building a Specialized Prosecutor’s Office in the Juvenile Justice System
As civil society institutions that contribute to Restorative Juvenile Justice in Bolivia we, Capacitación y Derechos Ciudadanos (CDC), ProgettoMondo Mlal and Fundación Tutator Bolivia, want…