
October 5, 2021
Meet our Tutator Forward 2021 grant finalists
At Tutator we have seen how difficult it can be for organizations working to improve society and the environment to select and implement the right…
September 24, 2021
Prosecutor’s Office trains in juvenile justice
The Attorney General's Office, through the Directorate of the Specialized Prosecutor's Office in Juvenile Justice and Environmental Crimes and in coordination with the School of…
July 16, 2021
Launch of the SICAMEX project
Last Tuesday July 13, in the presence of various authorities of the criminal justice system for adolescents, the project SICAMEX: Information System for Adolescent Cases…
July 12, 2021
Honduras launches SIGAH
INAMI receives support from international cooperation and has strengthened the Special Justice System for Child Offenders, as it has implemented tools and methodologies based on…