They will strengthen the computer tool Kaikaia

The computer Tool Kaikaika

In order to guarantee a quick access to the application of the Kaikaia computer system in the Offices of Execution and Surveillance of Criminal Sanctions for Adolescents, TUTATOR Foundation and Terre DeS Hommes Lausanne, Switzerland, donated two super micro model servers that will be installed starting February 2013.

The news was released this Tuesday in a working meeting with representatives of these organizations, led by the judge of the Supreme Court of Justice, Dr. Armengol Cuadra Lopez, president of the Criminal Chamber and coordinator of specialized criminal justice.

The meeting was attended by the judge of the Supreme Court of Justice, Dr. Yadira Centeno González, the executive director of international projects of the TUTATOR Foundation, engineer Denis Concordel and engineer Marcos Sánchez; the resident director of the international organization Terre de Hommes, Lausanne-Switzerland, Mrs. Carmen de Felice; the director of the Technical Office of Criminal Monitoring for Adolescents, Ms. Marielos Medal and engineer Membrant Hernández, responsible for computer science at the OTSSPA-CSJ,.

Engineer Concordel explained to Judge Armengol Cuadra López that with the donation of the two servers, they will be working on version two of the computer tool ¨Kaikaia¨ (a Miskito word meaning ¨see, look and know¨). This version will guarantee quick access for the application of this system in the Offices for the Execution and Monitoring of Criminal Sanctions for Adolescents (OEVSPA).

Magistrate Armengol Cuadra López said that the two servers for the tool of ¨Kaikaia ¨ will be working from February 2013 and from now on the staff of OEVSPA will be trained for the proper use of this version.

Engineer Marcos Sanchez explained that the change from version one to two of the computer system ¨Kaikaia¨ will speed up the digital information of the Offices of Execution and Surveillance of Criminal Sanctions for Adolescents.

Judge Cuadra López thanked the representatives of the TUTATOR Foundation and Terre des Hommes for the valuable donation consisting of two super micro model servers that will strengthen the use of the computer tool.

At the end, the executive director of projects of the TUTATOR Foundation, engineer Denis Concordel and engineer Marcos Sánchez, in company of the head of information technology of the OTSSPA-CSJ, visited the General Division of Information Technology and Communications of the Judicial Branch, to see the place where the two super micro servers will be installed.

The ¨Kaikaia Project¨ was first implemented in the Offices for the Execution and Monitoring of Criminal Sanctions for Adolescents as a pilot project in 2011 and is now successfully operating in all 18 courts for adolescents in the country.

Written by Marlon Jose Ocampo Espinoza, posted on  November 28, 2012


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