INAMI receives support from international cooperation and has strengthened the Special Justice System for Child Offenders, as it has implemented tools and methodologies based on evidence and specialization of human capital that serves juvenile offenders in specialized centers.
In addition, it has made significant progress as it is building the National Policy of the Special System for Child Offenders, designing the Management Model, institutional strategic planning and has implemented the Inter-Institutional Case Management System for Adolescents in Honduras (SIGAH).
Honduras implemented the SIGAH to improve the attention and follow-up of justice applied to children and adolescents, after the repeated recommendations made by the Committee on the Rights of the Child to the State.
It is for this reason that INAMI, after two and a half years of articulated work with the Judicial Branch, the Technical Committee on Juvenile Justice, the “Proponte Más” program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Tutator Foundation, culminates the efforts with the implementation of SIGAH.
This Thursday, August 13, SIGAH begins its production phase to manage in real time the information related to the compliance of non-custodial measures imposed on young people in Francisco Morazán, Cortés and Atlántida, allowing the expeditious and effective articulation between INAMI and the competent jurisdictional bodies.
The Program of Alternative Measures to the Deprivation of Liberty of INAMI and the justice operators project as an initial result, an increase in the effectiveness of the rehabilitation and integral reinsertion of more than a thousand young people protected by the Special Justice System for Child Offenders.
This tool facilitates and accredits compliance with all standards of care subject to national and international norms, avoiding the loss of time in administrative actions as it is designed to automate all processes related to rehabilitation.
In addition to benefiting communication mechanisms, the SIGAH will generate data to inform public policies and guide decision making of the direct result of daily management between judges, the technical staff of the Program of Substitutive Measures and other actors with legitimate interest in the thematic.
The next step of SIGAH is the comprehensiveness of the tool, adding to it the case management of children, adolescents and young people deprived of liberty, an effort that is currently funded by the United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF and Proggeto Mondo MLal of the Italian Cooperation.
In Honduras, more than 22,000 adults are serving their sentences in the country’s different penitentiaries. In five specialized centers managed by INAMI there are only 329 adolescents and 1,423 are serving sentences in freedom with guidance and supervision for their comprehensive rehabilitation and social reintegration.