Children and adolescents
Ministry of Justice and Child Protection agencies
Final Beneficiary
Children and adolescents


The MID (Módulo de Información de Defensorías) system was developed by Tutator to help the Bolivian government protect the rights of working children and children victims of violence in Bolivia. It is currently deployed in 120 cities across the country with plans to expand to the whole country (342 cities) in the upcoming months.
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The new Children Rights Code passed in 2014 in Bolivia mandates that the government put in place a country wide information system to track all aspects of children and adolescent protection. That system (SINNA – Sistema de Información de Niñas, Niños y Adolecentes) is currently being developed by Tutator for the Ministry of Justice and the MID software is the first module deployed.

In Bolivia, the Defensorias are city level government organizations that are, among other things, responsible for protecting the rights of the children. This includes the rights of working children (child labor is legal in Bolivia) as well as the protection of children victims of violence.

Working closely with the Ministry of Justice, Tutator started the development of the MID software in 2017 and the first deployment was done in 2018. The software runs on the servers in the Ministry of Justice data center in La Paz and the Ministry of Justice IT department also provides first level support for all the users across the country.

For the people working directly with the children this system allows them to:

  • Follow up precisely on the cases known to each of the "Defensorías" Offices, identifying cases that require special attention.
  • Have updated and organized information to take internal action.
  • Better follow up on cases, even when the staff is changing.
  • Generate data in real time to be sent to the governing body "Ministry of Justice" in a quick and transparent manner.

Since this module is part of the larger SINNA country wide system, it allows the people at the Ministry of Justice to:

  • Have real time information that allows them to assume public policies for the protection of the rights of children and adolescents.
  • Identify situations of serious violation of the rights of children and adolescents.
  • Carry out a better follow-up of the attention to cases in the Childhood and Adolescence Defenders' Offices.
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Start testing the experience



This system seeks to generate real-time data to propose public policies based on real information for the protection of the rights of children and adolescents. In this sense, when all the Ombudsman's Offices for Children and Adolescents regularly use the MID, it will have a fundamental impact in working against different forms of violence of which children and adolescents in Bolivia are victims.


Immediate need of the system.

No economic resources from the state.

Limited internet access and access to computers at some Defensorias



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