Tutator Swiss Foundation and the Ministry of Justice implement the children’s and adolescents’ information system (SINNA) that will work in a central registration of case numbers, tracking processes and design of violence prevention politics against underages, was reported to EL DIARIO by Adrian Piejko, representative of the international entity, in charge of the computer project development.
The “Código Niño Niña Adolescente Ley Nº 548”, enacted in 2014, establishes as function and responsibility from the Ministry of Justice and Institutional Transparency SINNA’s creation and administration, that constitutes itself as a macrosystem made of three modules: Ombudsman Information Module (MID), Penal System for Adolescents MOdule (MOSPA) and Right to Family Module (MODEFA)
“SINNA is a system that pretends to get information from the different realities of children’s and adolescents’ life in the country. For example, adolescents with penal responsibility, children in abandonment situation, living in shelter centers, handicapped workers, etc. One of these populations is the violence victim childhood and MID pretends to gather this information y find out the situation of this population, in order to generate politics that reduce this situation and improve their conditions”, was detailed by Piejko, the foundation’s representative, Tutator based on Switzerland.
This system will also have several security measurements, ensured the expert.
On the other hand, the general director of Childhood and Elderly, Ninoska Durán, complemented by indicating that MID will register information of attended cases by childhood’s and adolescents’ ombudsman in national level, this will let statistic generation about children’s and adolescents’ rights vulneration, institutional functioning characteristics, preventing and attention actions to children and adolescents.
Further on in the other two modules, the Ministry of Justice will wide the sources and count on information of the departmental services of social management (from governorships), prosecutors, Special Force of Fighting against Violence (FELCC) and Supreme Justice Court.
Last Friday, the Opportunities Equality Vice-Minister gathered representatives from the childhood’s ombudsman from the 87 municipalities and proceeded to the handling’s training of the first Ombudsman Information Module (MID).
Next step, in approximately two months, is the Mospa launch, “for adolescents that had committed crime, that will show their reality, what happened prior the felony, how it did happen, and what to do to avoid relapse” announced Piejko.
Regarding MID, Tutator has implemented several security measures, for avoiding data loss because of possible internal or external cybernetic attacks, and also for keeping the confidentiality of each case and the identity of the underages victims of violence.
Every ombudsman’s staff will have an assigned code, and also the system is able to register every conducted change by itself.
Data from cases will have three levels, the first one is the process management, when the complaint is generated and the staff must feed the system with at least seventy variables and indicators that are required.
But these private data are only available for the ombudsman’s staff that is in charge of the case, “it is not like an external person, from another ombudsman’s or even the Ministry of Justice would have access to the data, no, the children’s identity will be protected. On the other hand, this data will generate indicators in statistics at a country, department or municipality level, and this data would be of public access for the civil society and the state to work in public politics”, widened Piejko that pointed out that more 17 felonies’ typologies will be taken into consideration and trainings to the staff.
To conclude, Piejko indicated that the next step, in around two months time, is the MOSPA launch, “for adolescents that had committed a crime; it will show this sector’s reality, what happened prior the felony, how it did happen, and what to do to avoid relapse”, anounced.