At Tutator we have seen how difficult it can be for organizations working to improve society and the environment to select and implement the right technology. That’s why we created the Tutator Forward grant program: to identify, select and support organizations in their digital transformation by providing tailored software for specific Information and Communication Technology for Development projects.
The Call for Proposals, which ran from February 15 to July 19, attracted interest from a large number of civil society organizations and government institutions; more than 1,000 organizations registered and submitted hundreds of projects from around the world.
The Tutator Forward Committee reviewed the applications and evaluated different aspects such as:
- impact
- culture and motivation
- resources and stability
- alignment with Tutator’s strategy
and, based on the evaluation, selected the following finalists:
Project No 1
Mobile application to improve TB case detection and treatment in Nakawa Division Kampala
Organization: Reach Out Mbuya Community Health Initiative
Topic: Health
Country: Uganda
Description: Tool for the geolocation of Tuberculosis cases to detect transmission patterns, hot spots and provide adequate and effective follow-up to stop the health crisis.

Project No 2
STEP Database

Organization: STEP UK Ltd
Topic: Rights of children and adolescents
Country: England with project in Iraq
Description: Software to accompany them in their mission to empower and protect children in the Kurdish region of Iraq, facilitate their psychosocial development and protect their long-term mental health.
Project No 3
Kids Justice – pathways to documentation
Organization: Kids Haven
Topic: Rights of children and adolescents
Country: South Africa
Description: Digital tool to help alternative care centers collect information and achieve access to documentation and legalization rights for undocumented children to improve their quality of life.

Project No 4
Medical History Software

Organization: Patrulla Aérea Civil Colombia
Topic: Health
Country: Colombia
Description: Platform to systematize information such as medication records and inventory to obtain digital medical records of the free humanitarian and emergency medical service provided to populations living in poverty and extreme poverty.
Project No 5
Sense India Project Management Application
Organization: Sense International India
Topic: Education
Country: India
Description: Mobile project management application to obtain timely and reliable real-time field data on children and adults with deafblindness to provide them with individualized services.

Project No 6
The Nubian Vaults, a vector for strengthening the resilience of rural communities in the Sahel

Organization: Association la Voûte Nubienne
Topic: Rural Development
Country: France with projects in Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Ghana and Senegal
Description: A system for collecting and centralizing data for monitoring and evaluating the organization’s activities.
Project No 7
WKF: the factory for the remobilization of prison leavers.
Organization: Wake up Café
Topic: Employment
Country: France
Description: Platform to follow up on the files of people who have been in detention centers and help them in their sustainable reintegration, in order to avoid recidivism.

Project No 8
A Digitized Adoption Center

Organization: Centro de Adopciones
Topic: Rights of children and adolescents
Country: Paraguay
Description: Creation of a software for the systematization of all administrative processes involved in the adoption of a child or adolescent, in order to select the family according to the needs and characteristics of the child or adolescent.
Project No 9
Ambassadors of Light Management Platform
Organization: Litro de Luz
Topic: Access to energy and internet
Country: Colombia
Description: Web platform for project management that allows to see in real time the progress of projects, installations and how different communities around the world are being illuminated, indicators that respond to the SDGs with which they work, as well as other aspects of GPS location, hours of light delivered, clean watts generated, internet data used, among others.

Project No 10
National Platform for Recruitment, Selection and Follow-up (Employability)

Topic: Employment
Country: Brasil
Description: A platform aimed at the labor market that allows companies and recruiters to select the most suitable professional for the position, and to monitor the development of the worker with systematic notes and evaluations that will form an archive.