The State School for Judges, through the Training Unit of this academic institution, in coordination with the Ministry of Justice of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, carried out the « Validation of the Manual of Jurisdictional Procedures in Justice for Adolescents », in accordance with the National Legislative Framework, the Political Constitution of the State and the Child and Adolescent Code and D.S. No. 2377 of 27 May 2015.
The opening ceremony was held in the presence of Dr. Diego Ernesto Jiménez Guachalla, Vice Minister of Justice and Fundamental Rights of the Ministry of Justice, accompanied by the first authority of the Judicial Branch, Dr. Pastor Segundo Mamani Villca, Magistrate President of the Supreme Court of Justice. The activity was held in the assembly hall of the State School for Judges with authorities from the Ministry of Justice and the participation of judges for children and adolescents, accompanied by the multidisciplinary team of psychologists and social workers from Bolivia’s nine departments.
The document is a guide based on a human rights approach to guide the actions of the relevant authorities and cooperate in the proper conduct of the jurisdictional processes in the area of criminal justice for adolescents.
This is an inter-institutional effort, which succeeded in bringing together the Ministry of Justice, through the Vice Ministry of Justice and Fundamental Rights, as the technical body of the criminal justice system for adolescents, in coordination with the State School for Judges, the Attorney General’s Office, the Supreme Court of Justice, and with the support of Tutator Foundation and Construir Foundation.
Written by Comunication, Posted September 8, 2016.