The Training Unit of the State School for Judges, in coordination with TUTATOR Foundation, is informing the Presidents of the nine Departmental Courts of Justice that a virtual training course called «SPECIALIZED ACTION MANUALS OF THE CRIMINAL SYSTEM FOR TEENAGERS» has been programmed. This event has to be attended by members of the judiciary, judges, judges for children and adolescents, judges for family matters and public judges from the provinces who hear cases involving children and adolescents.
In view of this, we request the Presidents of the Departmental Courts of Justice to inform the staff of the above-mentioned matters of this communication so that they may voluntarily pre-register on the https://www.eje.gob.bo website of the State School for Judges from 19 September to 1 October. It should be noted that there are 200 places available and only the first registered will be considered.
Written by eje.com.bo, Posted September 20, 2017.